
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

so blogspot is offically a ghost town

so....what is our wonderful excuse for not ever ever getting on our blogs anymore? Leumas and White Island!!! where are you?? well, I must admit I never get on anymore. I havent gotten on last post...and before that...well it was about...since the post before that. Its sad. Well, talk to me, tell me if u ever get on anymore, and go check out our youthgroup blog. Marks updating it finally. this is the link. Go ahead and check it out everyone. well, I'm off to church now... I know its early but I've got an evangelism class before church. :)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

its been a while

hey everyone. its been a while and our blogging times have become alot less frequent, I havent gotten on in almost a month. school started and its been good. not to incredibly boring or anything so far. my classes are pretty good and i have friends in all of my classes but spanish. life is pretty good. i cant complain to much. I've been to busy with other people's problems to have any of my own. a good thing really. well, not for them. but u know what I mean. its september tomorrow, wow, already. thats amazing. I have monday off. I'm excited. tho I just started school its kinda annoying to already take a break and have none later on in the year. I'll take it tho!! well, comment and tell me how schools been for u or whatevers going on. ♥

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Well, Maine has been fun...and boring at times too. Saturday and Sunday were fun. We started our drive to Maine on Thurday. We stopped in NY for the night and then drove the rest of the way to Maine on Friday. We got here and then were tired to we went to bed. Then on Saturday we toured Bethel, which is the village where we are staying. Really we are staying in Sunday River, Newrly Maine. Bethel is the closest thing to civilization we have. lol. Its a SMALL town...errr. village. its actually called Bethel Village. Sunday we drove to Portland, the biggest city in wasnt a very big city. lol. it was nice tho and there were people there. Then we went and saw some lighthouses and some beaches and trails and stuff. that was beautiful. We are driving to Rockland/Rockport tomorrow. That should be fun, its a lobsterfest. My mom says we are eating lobster for beakfast lunch and dinner and maybe desert too, but we'll see. :P Monday and today we didnt do to much. Today my family went to see Monster House at the gigantic theatre of Bethel. lol. Its the smallest theatre I've ever seen. it was nice tho. I miss VA so much. Vacationing is fun and the drive was way better than I could have ever imagined. Thanks so much for your prayers. I could really tell you guys were praying. So far we have had only one day night. the day was good just the night got bad. There was a a fight and alot of tension but it was mainly better in the morning, so continue in prayer for us because we are taking the drive back in one day and I dont know how that will go. I dont know if I can talk for 15 hours straight. lol. I talked the whole way to NY and that made the time go by faster and noone got sick of eachother. It was a blessing that I was tired and running off adrenaline or I would not have been able to talk for that long. it was about and 8 hour drive and 7 hours of it was talking. lol. the drive from NY to ME was nice, we stopped in VT alot. VT is a beautiful place, we stopped and got rasberry chocolate fudge. yummm. that was good. well I'll stop boring you with my tales of Maine and go swimming (and moose in watching...looking for them) now. My mother is telling me to go so I will. Thanks sooooooooooooooooooo much for your comments (Leumas and White Island) you have no idea how much that meant and how loved I felt. Its wonderful. Thanks again and I'll see you all in a few days.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


How is everyone doing? Well comment me and update me on whats happening in my world I'm not living in (AKA, whats happening at church while I'm gone). I'll be in Maine for the week so tell me what I'm missing. I'll miss everone!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

VBS was amazing this week. Is anyone with me? If you didnt help out you really missed out. The kids were great and the dances were fun. The kids loved the skits and the food was yummy. "The Pirates who dont do anything" dance was the biggest hit! That was also sooooo much fun to do. I'm sooo tired but I'll recover. Comment and tell me what your favorite part if VBS was. Mine obviously was the dancing!!

Monday, July 03, 2006


welcome to my blogger blog. I'm learning how to work blogger. I'm catching on. well come comment and... I dont know... :P